Do You Need To Caulk Cabinets Before Painting

If you plan to caulk your cabinets, use spray paint and start doing it. It is a great way to polish your kitchen and make your cabinets look clean and beautiful.

Generally, caulk cabinets are only necessarily crucial if you are getting your kitchen painted.

When should you caulk your cabinets, before or after painting?

The answer depends on the type of cabinet you have. The most common way to caulk cabinets is before painting unless the cabinets are white.

If you are considering spray paint but need to be made aware of its uses and other queries, this post is for you!

Let’s discuss this more in detail to help you eliminate this confusing thought and guide you to the right paint for cabinets.

Key Takeaways:
  • What is Caulking?
  • What If I Don’t Caulk My Cabinets?
  • Best Way To Caulk Cabinets With Spray Paint:
  • Additional Tips For Caulking:
  • Quick & Easy Steps to Caulk Cabinets:

What is Caulking?

Caulking is a process to give your kitchen cabinets a refined, new look. It is recommended, especially when you are planning to repaint your cabinets.

The primary purpose of caulk cabinets is to adjust the paint and let it set inside the split and crack. That’s why it is necessary to close up the empty edges of the cabinets before painting.

It takes 30 minutes or less to let the caulk completely dry and then it’s ready to paint right away.

What If I Don’t Caulk My Cabinets?

Sometimes cabinets come with frames that don’t need caulking. Although in most situations caulking cabinets is highly recommended.

When your kitchen is getting painted, you are moving to a new house, or new homeowners are coming, caulking cabinets are most important in all these scenarios.

Remember that if you are the homeowner and someone is moving in, ensure you caulk all the cabinets because you must provide everything neat and clean for the newcomers.

Best Way to Caulk Cabinets with Spray Paint:

Caulking cabinets is necessarily essential before painting, but choosing the right caulk and applying it to cabinets matters the most.

Spray paint is the best choice when your cabinets need caulking but know that it comes in varieties.

There are different kinds of spray paint, and you should always know the details before using any type. Never use local paint with the wrong color and damaged texture because your cabinets will lose their uprightness after some time.

1. White

White is the perfect color to choose when caulking cabinets. It helps fill up the paintless, visible brush strokes.

Most people’s choice is Sherwin Williams Pro Classic semi-gloss acrylic when it comes to selecting the right paint caulk for cabinets. However, the acrylic-alkyd version of this paint is also best for cabinets.

2. Latex

Latex is the perfect choice when it’s time to caulk cabinets and the most preferred spray paint because it dries quicker than oil-based paints. If applying two layers, there’s no need to wait for the paint to dry; latex acrylic paint dries quickly and perfectly.

When using latex, remember to pick the white one. Its classic tone aligns well with almost all colors you select for the kitchen.

3. A Sprayer

For caulking cabinets, the easiest way is to paint with a spray because it provides an accurate position and quick caulking.

Previously, I recommended Sherwin’s paint earlier, but if you have enough budget and want to use the advanced version, I would suggest Dap Extreme Stretch Crack Proof Elastomeric Sealant; the results are extraordinary with this one!

The technique might be tricky at once but it needs good practice and it will provide the best results. A bit of covering up is required to preserve the walls and doors of the kitchen.

Related >> How Long Spray Paint Is Good For?

Additional Tips For Caulking:

After acknowledging the use of caulk paint and its correct method, some people still have a few concerns.

Below are the two most possible concerns that are normal and everyone should know about it.

1. Dust and Dirt

Dust and dirt are the most common concern everyone has during any home repair procedure. When working on cabinets, dust can pile up in cabinet seams.

If you are concerned about the dusty stuff assembled in your caulking cabinet seams, buy custom cabinets with more immense walls. However, the space is required because it joins the cabinet corner with other fillers.

Note that white cabinet seams become grime fast. Unlike other colors, white cabinets show pure dirt and oil assembling.

When caulking white cabinets, inserting a lump is mandatory, or the painted sides will quickly become dirty.

2. Latex Over Oil Paints

If you compare latex paints with oil-based paints, then latex is the best choice. Latex is the best alternative to white oil painting.

Oil-based paints are long-lasting, but the fact that it turns yellow and alters colors accordingly might become a problem.

If that’s the case, you must go for latex acrylic paints, like Sherwin’s Pro Classic, which is durable and will not change its color to yellow.

Related >> Should You Paint Cabinets or Replace Countertops First

Quick & Easy Steps to Caulk Cabinets:

If you caulk cabinets by yourself, then here are a few simple steps that I follow to finish the procedure carefully.

  1. Always clean the cabinets before caulking. Never start doing it directly on the dirty, stained sides. The paint will not settle effectively, so wipe the cabinet doors with warm water or any cleaner using a hard scrubbing pad.
  2. Use sandpaper or an electric sander for this step because you should always sand after cleaning.
  3. Once you caulk the cabinets with a spray, smoothly press each side with your finger in the gaps. When a seam is pushed in the crack well, there’s less chance of the caulking finding its way out.
  4. Caulking cabinets is a time-consuming mission, but if done correctly, it not only improves the aspect of any surface but also makes the crack unnoticeable for years.

Caulking is an art, so take your time filling the cracks and doing it smoothly like an artist.

Final Thoughts:

Caulk cabinets are necessary when you are painting the whole cabinets. It should always be done before painting, no matter the color of your wardrobe.

If you are concerned about whether the spray paint will last longer, let me tell you it is long-lasting! And if you use latex acrylic paints, there is nothing to worry about.

The results will surely satisfy you if the caulking is done correctly. Good luck!

by Richard Kelly

Having experienced significant success as a house flipper, I am often approached with questions about all things home improvement. That’s why I decided to start this site. My objective is to share all of the insights I have accumulated over the years so other people can design the homes of their dreams.